Make “Giving Tuesday” work for you!

Let’s face it- the typical school year is four months in and it can be difficult to keep it looking “First Day of School” fresh. Little fingers have, most likely, experienced every crevice in your room and your students have gone through the process of learning how to function in the classroom setting. This might mean torn pages of the favorite book, stains that seem to permeate despite your best attempts to clean, and that playground ball seems to be getting a little flat.

December’s annual day of giving, otherwise known as “Giving Tuesday” is a perfect time to freshen up your materials, without spending your own coins. This year, on December 3, 2019, nations around the globe will come together to complete one task- do good. What a better way to join the movement than to include your own wishlist on your social media, email blasts, and conversations with loved ones. Most websites have tools to create wishlists that are simple to add and share. The first step is to evaluate what areas in your classroom need the most love.

This is also a fantastic time to use evaluation tools in your classroom. You have settled in to a rhythm and you still have a few months to add any changes. Some programs use the tool ERS system, while others utilize the CLASS system. Other programs have a fully unique system to keep scale of their progress. This is an easy way to see what areas in your classroom or lessons that you could use additional resources.

Regardless of the system, evaluating how you are discussing equality and affirming diversity is an integral part of a high quality classroom. I’ve included a list of classroom materials that may be helpful to add to your wishlist. Don’t be shy when it comes to sharing and reshaping- the world is listening on December 3rd!

